Browns Plains Chiropractor

Chiropractic Was the Logical Choice

I have been a Chiropractor for over 23 years now and have been a regular Chiropractic Patient since about 15 years of age. After seeing what a difference Chiropractic Care made in my family’s life and my own, I also wanted to be able to help other people with a natural approach.

Becoming a Chiropractor was the logical choice. Since then I have had the pleasure of giving well over 100,000 adjustments and I am looking forward to giving many more.

Highlight of my career: Chiropractic Mission

A highlight of my career was in early 2011 when I was part of a Chiropractic mission to Ghana in West Africa. It was an amazing experience to be able to help thousands of people who would never normally have access to Chiropractic Care.

Something I will Never Forget

Something I will never forget were three little boys hanging off my sweaty arms while I was helping children at a poor school: “I want to be like you” was one of the responses from them that made me feel very proud to be a Chiropractor. Even though I was exhausted after a long day adjusting hundreds of people, I felt a real sense of pleasure to have had such a great impact on these people´s lives.

This experience enhanced my love of Chiropractic and I could not imagine doing anything else.