Practice Manager

I have been the Practice Manager of “Yes Chiropractic” since it began in 2011. Although my background was as a teacher in Germany, I have always believed in the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, and I am very passionate about the good health and natural wellness that people can receive through Chiropractic Care.

Since moving to Australia and becoming Dr. John’s wife I have had the pleasure of not only supporting him personally in the Clinic, but also being able to be supportive in the day to day organization and smooth running of the Practice as well. As the Practice Manager, I strive to ensure that the office runs efficiently and professionally at all times.

I am getting adjusted on a regular basis myself as I want my body to work at its best. I even got adjusted throughout my whole pregnancy in 2014 and had a drugfree birth. Both our daughters were only a couple of hours old when they received their first adjustment by her proud daddy.