The warmer weather is well and truly here and Christmas is fast approaching. You can feel the party vibe in the air. With a little planning, you can stay in good health while still enjoying summer and all its festivities.
Travelling on the Holidays
Take frequent breaks when driving long distances. It is recommended that you spend at least 15 minutes away from the wheel for every 2 hours of driving. Have niggling back and neck pain checked out before you leave to go on holidays. Long drives will always highlight any spinal problem. Safe, hands on treatment to restore joint and muscle flexibility as well as an exercise program are mainstays of chiropractic care for spinal pain.
Reaching and Bending for Christmas Presents
Use the proper lifting technique every time you pick up a gift. Bend at your knees not at your back. Or kneel down on one knee, as close as possible to the item you are lifting, with the other foot flat on the floor and pick the item up. Avoid bending or twisting the spine at any time while you are carrying heavy gifts. When reaching for something above shoulder level, for example when placing the Angel on the top of the Christmas tree, stand on a stool. Straining to reach such objects may not only hurt your mid-back and neck, but it can also bring on shoulder problems.
Drink plenty of water to keep you hydrated. If you do drink alcohol, remember to alternate every alcoholic drink with a glass of water and please don’t drink on an empty stomach. Always eat something nutritious before you head out.B Try to stick to three to five alcohol-free days a week.
Remember to make healthy choices this Christmas. If you are consuming more heavy and energy-dense foods than usual you may need some highly metabolic workouts. Increase the intensity of your workouts so you can stay looking and feeling good during this time of year. If you do like enjoying Christmas treats, limit your portion size.
Remember to keep up with your exercise routine. Just because you were out and about the night before is no excuse to sleep in and forego your workout. If you’re going away on holidays think about what exercise gear you can take. Your trainers, workout clothes and a skipping rope are a good start.
Sleep is something our bodies and minds crave, so if you are having later nights, look at when you can do some catch-up. Try not to have a consecutive run of short sleeps. Never sleep in a position that causes a portion of your spine to hurt. Most often, your body will tell you what position is best.
USE IT OR LOSE IT by December 31st!
Did you know that you lose private health fund benefits each year? Most of our patients are unaware of this, so we thought we should let you know.
NOW is the time to use your entitlement before it’s lost forever for treatment in our practice! Choose to use your health fund entitlement today.
Most health funds allow extras claims only for the duration of 12 months, usually from January till December.
Unused claims generally DO NOT carry over to the next year or, so this means…
With HiCaps. instant rebates on the spot, you can use your health fund benefit to achieve a pain free life, get a check up, recover from injury, get back into your rehab classes, and simply be as healthy as you can be!
The CHOICE is yours but as I have mentioned earlier – you must USE IT or you will LOSE IT by 31st December!
Don’t miss out on the rebate you pay for! Call our practice today to schedule an appointment and take advantage of the funds still available to you before they run out. Call now!