Don’t let holiday travel be a pain in your neck!

There’s a lot of time for making new memories with loved one over the holiday season, which could mean a lot of travel for some. We want to enjoy our time away and be able to have great experiences with our friends and family, however that isn’t always the case. With long distance hauls on trains, planes or in cars plus the unfamiliar sleeping arrangements you endure during your visit can lead to some aches & pains. This year stay a head of the game and don’t let travel become a pain in your neck! Try a few of these tricks to keep your holiday experience enjoyable.
Traveling by road:
-TAKE A BREAK! I know you just want to get to Grandma’s house, but if grandma lives 5 hours away you need to take some time to stretch out and get some feeling back into those legs! Our bodies were made to move, so if you’re going to be sitting for more than a few hours make sure you schedule in some rest stops along the way.
-Loosen up a bit! There are plenty of behind the wheel stretches to help loosen your muscles while you sit at the traffic lights. Even a couple over shoulder rolls while your on the road can help you along as well.
-Be supportive with yourself…literally! Take some neck and back support with you! And keep and eye on your posture while you are driving, if you need to stop and re adjust your seat a few minutes off the road can help with
Travelling by Air:
-Pick an aisle seat. This makes it easier for you to get up and move around. Remember to stretch as well, aisle seat or not! The way you feel when you get off the plane is more important than the minor disturbance of asking seat 22 to let you pass for the second time, trust me it’s worth it!
-A small rolled up towel or even a cardigan can come in good use as a back support, carry a travel pillow for some neck support as well!
-WATER, WATER, WATER!! Stay hydrated, the air on the plane can really dehydrate you, a dehydrated body can severely effect the way your nervous system functions. This can create all sorts of problems. So put down the inflight beer, at least for now!
Travel & Sleep:
Grandma’s spare bed mattress from HELL can ruin your holiday on the first night! So could that too stiff mattress at the hotel.These types of things really are unavoidable, however you may be able to reduce them from effecting you too much during your time away.
-Try travelling with your own pillow to avoid unnecessary neck pain or sleepless nights.
-Stretch before and after bed. It will help keep you feeling flexible and reduce stiffness in the mornings as well.

Festive Season Nutrition

Itbs the silly season, already! We all know what that meansb&.CELEBRATIONS! Which usually call for a few moreB champagnes and a couple more canapes than usual (YUM)
Itbs all fun and games until January the 1st when we realize that maybe we may have celebrated a little too hard?? When the parties are over the bNEW YEAR, NEW MEb guilt sets in; many of us will be struggling to get the ball rolling.
But alas, you donbtB HAVE to give in to holiday temptation, try some of these little tricks to keep yourself on track and feeling great through the holidaysb&.
If drinking is a big part of the party, you can limit your consumption by alternating with water or soda water with lemon or lime.
You can limit your food intake at the party by eating a healthy snack before you head out.
-Hosting a party? Try using veggie platters with veggie based dips instead of serving crackers and heavy dips or cheeses.
-Be conscious about what you are eating, itbs easy to get caught up in the moment however if you select a few healthier options, you may find that youbre too full to fill up on the more bnaughtyb canapC)s.

Tailbone Pain

Tailbone pain happens when there is an injury in the coccyx. This pain is also called coccyx pain. The tailbone or coccyx is located at the bottom part of the spinal column. It protrudes the most when you are sitting down.
Falling is the most common way to sustain an injury to your tailbone. Many people will fall on their buttocks and feel an immediate and sharp pain in their tailbone that goes away after a time. But if you land directly on your tailbone, such as when you slip and fall on the stairs, it can cause a tailbone injury since the impact is directly on the tailbone.
Falls aren’t the only thing that can cause a tailbone injury. Sitting for long periods of time on hard pieces of furniture can cause pain and that type of tailbone pain can impact even those who are active otherwise. It can also be referred pain from the sacroiliac joints, pelvic muscles and the lower back. Women are more prone to coccyx pain after giving birth. If you are experiencing this type of pain, chiropractic may be able to help.
When you injure your tailbone, the muscles surrounding it will become stiff. Swelling can occur and the coccyx may end up pulling away from where it should be, causing the nerves in the area to become irritated. You can experience inflammation that can cause even more pain and discomfort.
The Chiropractor will conduct a thorough musculoskeletal assessment to determine the cause of your Tailbone pain. Treatment may include;
Spinal Adjustment – If the tailbone moves out of alignment, causing irritation to the nerves and tissues around it, then having a chiropractor correct the misalignment may help to bring relief.
Hot and Cold Therapy – To enhance the healing process by reducing the inflammation on the injured area.
Exercise Prescription – Proper stretching exercises will prevent tearing and straining of the tendons and ligaments. Exercises strengthen the muscles the surround the coccyx as well as the muscles that support the spine.
Pelvic Alignment Techniques – Needed if the pain is caused by pelvic dysfunction.
Instruction in Proper Body Mechanics – During sitting, lying, bending & lifting.
Ergonomic Adjustments – In the home and or work place.
Supportive Pillows – Specifically designed pillow can be a fantastic way for you to feel more comfortable while sitting and assist your coccyx to heal faster. Cushions are round in shape with a small hole in the centre to allow for your coccyx to rest without any direct pressure upon it.

Strengthening: Kneeling Extensions

This is a great strengthening exercise that keeps your core muscles nice and strong as well as helping to reduce lower back pain!
Start by kneeling on all fours, your hands should be beneath your shoulders and your knees directly below your hips. Engage your core muscles and slowly lift your right arm extending it out in front of you keeping your arm straight then slowly lift your left leg extending it back, keeping it straight and pointing your toes down.
Hold for 10-30 seconds before slowly lowering back to your starting position. Repeat three times on each side. Remember to keep your core engaged the whole time!!

Upright leg Stretch

Standing stretches can prep your body for more intense exercise. As part of your warm-up routine, these stretches will increase your heart rate faster than floor stretches. Try a leg-stretching exercise.

  1. Stand facing a wall. Slowly lift your left foot and bring your heel to your buttock.
  2. Grab hold of your left ankle with your left hand and place your right hand on the wall for stability.
  3. Gently pull on your ankle until you feel a mild stretch in your right thigh.
  4. Hold this stretch 10 seconds. Slowly return your leg to the original position.
  5. Relax 10 seconds and repeat with right leg.

Dr John’s Beetroot Smoothie

Having a smoothie a day is a great way to get your recommended vegetable intake. Dr John and his family LOVE this whole food smoothie, it’s packed with veggie goodness helping build strong immune systems all year round! Have a try for yourself 🙂

  • 1/2 raw beetroot
  • 1 handful of Silverbeet
  • 1 handful of kale
  • 1 small piece of ginger
  • 1/2 whole lemon (skin & all)
  • Water
Mum Steffi and baby Sophia “Thanks for sharing mummy”
Even baby Sophia loves it!
Dr John enjoying his daily Beetroot Smoothie!


Food For Life

Here at Yes Chiropractic we are all about health and prevention so we eat a healthy diet ensuring our bodies are well nourished preventing illness, promoting healing and give us enough energy to keep our bodies fueled ready to take on the world each and every day. So we thought we would share with you our tips to a healthy diet and a healthy life!
We believe in a wholefood diet, foods that are natural and free from additives or anything artificial. Number one on our Food For Life plate would be fruits and vegetables, of course! But not just any fruits and veges, a variety of colors, tastes and shapes. Good produce that comes from the freshest local or organic farmers.
Vegetables are important sources of many nutrients, including potassium, dietary fiber, folate (folic acid), vitamin A, and vitamin C.
Second would be good fats, avocados, coconut oil, ghee or organic/ grass feed butter and omega 3 (found in salmon & sardines) Our bodies need these healthy fats to help to support cell growth and absorb nutrients.
Next on the list is protein! According to the recommended dietary allowance an average woman requires 46 grams of protein per day and 56 grams for an average man; this may increase if you are highly active individual. There are many sources of protein but the ones your body will benefit from the most are eggs and lean meats such as turkey breast, chicken breast, beef liver, ground beef (96% lean), sirloin tip beef steak, pork loin and salmon. We highly recommend getting these proteins from organic, grass feed and free range farms to steer clear of any added hormones and pesticides ensuring your body stays free from unnecessary toxins. Other great healthy protein sources come from activated nuts and seeds, almond, cashew, walnuts and pistachios, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, chia seeds and flax seeds.
Last but not least, WATER!! Plenty and plenty of filtered water!! Our bodies are made of up to 75% water!! It is an absolute necessity to keep the body hydrated if we want to keep our bodies function correctly. Filtered water removes chlorine and bacterial contaminants reducing the risk of gastrointestinal disease by more than 33 percent.
We understand that each one of you have different tastes for food and also have different goals for your health. We encourage healthy eating habits for everyone as we know first-hand the negative effects that chemical stress can endure on the body. We hope that you have enjoyed our tips and would love for you to share some of yours with us!


Whiplash for many can occur when involved in a car accident or by any number of knocks, falls or slips and sports injuries, and can be excruciatingly painful. Many people are shocked to realise that even mild cases of whiplash can happen just by simply turning your head too fast in one direction, being knocked down, falling or even being jostled around while riding a roller coaster or other type of fast moving ride.
In a rear end collision the neck is thrown into extension. What this means is that the personB is forced backwards into the car seat as the vehicle is thrust forward. This force is what causes the most damage to the soft tissue area of the neck.
After the head comes into contact with the head restraint of the car it rebounds forward forcing the neck into flexion. As the seatbelt tightens the head is inadvertently thrown forward until the chin hits the chest.
When this movement occurs many things happen in the body at once.

  • The muscles and ligaments that support the spine can be stretched or torn
  • The discs can bulge, tear or rupture if the damage is severe enough
  • Vertebrae can lose their normal range of motion
  • The spinal cord and nerve roots can become stretched and irritated.

This action of the head can lead to debilitating pain, including neck stiffness, headaches, blurred vision, nausea, vertigo or numbness and tingling. Symptoms in acute whiplash may not appear at their peak until after the body has coped with the shock of the accident, and pain sets in.
You should be examined as soon as possible after a whiplash accident, even if the symptoms do not seem too severe. This is because it can take days or weeks for symptoms to properly develop. Identifying and addressing problems early will limit pain and recovery time.
Chiropractors commonly employ different chiropractic treatments for whiplash, often including:

  • Soft tissue techniques can be done through the use of dry needling, muscle stimulation, and soft tissue massage.
  • Muscle strengthening and neurological rehabilitation, our aim is to recondition the musculature and neurological system of the neck in order to reduce the level of discomfort
  • Gentle spinal manipulation. These manipulations, also known as adjustments, are characterised by specific thrusts on different areas of the vertebrae in order to provide proper alignment. These adjustments can provide the patient with more neck function and restore their normal movement.
  • Ergonomic and lifestyle changes.

Each whiplash case is different. A chiropractor will evaluate the patient and determine the appropriate treatment on a case by case basis

The Chin Nod Stretch

Steps for the Chin Nod Stretch

  1. Lie down with a soft pillow under your neck, and with your knees bent up.
  2. Gently and slowly nod your head forward as if to say byesb.
  3. Feel the muscles at the front of your neck.
  4. Stop the nodding action just before you feel the front muscles hardening.
  5. Hold the nod position for five seconds and then relax.
  6. Gently move your head back to the normal start position

Repeat up to 10 times

Healthy Winter Tips- By CA Amie

I personally hate the cold, and unfortunately for me, the cold weather has returned with a vengeance this year! Each year just seems to get colder making it harder to maintain my health and my motivation! So this winter I’ve decided to fight back! No longer will my winters consist of the sniffles or gaining a few extra kilos from skipping the gym, NOPE! This time I’m going to use this season to get healthier than ever! And the way I’m going to do that is by setting one goal, that goal is …..BOOSTING MY IMMUNITY!
Sounds pretty simple right? Just one little goal? It might sound simple but boosting your immune system takes a lot more than just popping a few extra vitamins! So where to begin…
I am going to start with my diet 🙂 I am currently a Paleo Vegetarian. This simply means IB DO NOTB eat dairy, grains, processed foods or refined sugars and I also do not eat meat. B What I will being doing is adding extra immune boosting ingredients to my diet including; citrus, carrots, turmeric, garlic, ginger, broccoli, spinach, green tea and a few other bits and pieces. As well as this I will be taking a couple of GOOD QUALITY supplements, such as Vit C and Vit D.
Now what’s next?…Oh yes EXERCISE!! I already love to exercise, but I find in the colder months I tend to slack off a bit (actually a lot this year so far) A few things that are going to keep me motivated to maintain my exercise regime are: “JUST DO IT” you know that good old saying? I figure if I can “Just do” some cardio outside in 7 degree weather at 6am, I can “Just do” pretty much anything! So more outdoor exercise during winter is the plan, of course I’ll be putting on a few layers but I will warm up in time. Another motivating idea is to start an exercise class, indoor or out door I am not sure which one yet, have even considered water aerobics! (heated pools only) Getting some extra Vit D throughout winter is definitely a good idea so outdoor cardio or Bootcamp in the sun will ensure I am getting a good dose.
This sounds like a fun but cold journey already 🙂 There is one more thing I want to work on to reach my goal. STRESS LESS! Stress is a huge immune system downer! I don’t suffer from it all of the time, but if I have a big week of assignments due I tend to get a little stressed out! Everything I plan on doing already will help to relive stress, I just want to add one more prevention method to make sure I’ll be stress free during the winter and beyond. Some people meditate, I have chosen laughter…that’s right I am going to laugh more! Whether that means watching funny cat videos, or going to a comedy night, or being silly with friends, whatever it is I will make a point of getting a good dose of laughter in everyday 🙂
There you have it, my tips to a healthier winter! I would love for anyone out there to join me this winter and challenge yourself with this ONE GOAL! Challenge yourself to better your immunity and see the benefits with your health, body and mind.
I will be sure to keep you all updated!
Until then, stay warm and be healthy 🙂
Amie “JUST DO IT” Miller
Chiropractic Assistant