Build Your Immune System Naturally- Part 2

What we feed ourselves feeds all of the cells that make up or body and it”s working systems. If you’re not feeding your body the right nutrients then you’re not fueling your body’s systems, without the right fuel you cannot expect correct function, if any function at all!

So what’s best? Good wholesome fruits, veggies, protein and probiotics! Start with cutting out breads, pasta, alcohol and sugar, these foods are doing you no favours in the immune department. Did you know? One small chocolate bar can suppress your body’s immune response for more than 24hrs!! Another good idea is to try and stay away from preservatives in packaged goods, opt for pesticide free produce and look for organic, free range and hormone free animal products.
Get some extra boosts to your immunity by adding these to your diet:

  • Turmeric
  • Citrus fruits
  • Ginger and garlic

Improve your gut health- Your gut holds all of your Probiotic microorganisms (good bacteria) Probiotics support our immune system, aid digestion and assist with nutrient absorption into our bloodstream. Foods that promote healthy bacteria are kefir, Kombucha, yoghurt, sauerkraut, kimchi and other fermented vegetables.

Just 30mins of moderate exercise 3 times a week has many benefits and one of those is increasing immune function. In 2018 a study showed the reduction of cold’s and flu’s in participants that had a regular exercise regime of 3 or more days a week. The study concluded that those who exercise were 26% less likely to catch a cold or flu.
Keeping your body moving can also boost your mood (TIP #1), reduce your weight, build strength, help prevent injury and & it can all be done outdoors (TIP#2).
Exercise can be fun and adventurous, try:

  • Park boot camps
  • Pilates/Yoga classes
  • Surfing/Swimming
  • Hiking/bush walking
  • Bike riding/Roller blading

Build Your Immune System Naturally-Part 1

A strong immune system is vital for our health however; we are not always taking care of it. Times like these remind us of just how important our immunity can be. We love our patients and care about your health and well being greatly, that is why we have dedicated this month to helping you and your family build stronger immune systems and healthier lives.
Your mood doesn’t just affect your day or the people around you, it also affects your immune system, in fact they have done many recent studies showing how chronic exposure to stress, anxiety and negative moods can change the way our immune response functions.

The immune system is made up of billions of cells that travel through the blood stream. The main fighting cell being the white blood cell-Lymphocyte. Lymphocyte consists of a cell that produces anti bodies and destroys bacteria, and a T-cell that lock onto infected cells, multiply and destroy them before further infection occurs.
When we feel stress the brain stimulates the endocrine system, releasing hormones that have an effect on the T-cell, reducing their ability to multiply thus reducing their ability to destroy the harmful bacteria, leaving us more susceptible to illness.

Ways to improve your mood:

  • Trust us it makes all the difference, try it now!
  • A great way to calm your mind during stressful times.
  • Who doesn’t feel great after a boogie? Alternatively, exercise!
  • Showing gratitude for even the smallest things can help give you that warm fuzzy feeling; studies have shown it also helps to reduce anxiety.

Get a dose of natural VIT D. New studies have shown the effect that the sunbs rays have on the T-cells in your body. As we know (from TIP #1) T-cells are a vital part of our immune system.
Sunlight has been proven to increase movement in these cells, because these cells need to move to work, the faster they can move the faster the work gets done!
Get a daily dose of sunlight safely by trying these.

  • Exercise outside
  • Drink your morning coffee in the sun
  • Eat your lunch in the park instead of at the desk

Inflammatory Diet

Inflammation is the body’s natural healing process. Its job is to protect the body in times it has been infected by harmful organisms. Short-term inflammation or acute inflammation can help the body heal from sickness or injury. Chronic inflammation, caused by prolonged stress can be quite harmful and has been linked to many autoimmune diseases. It may surprise you to know that some of the food and drink that we consume can actually cause an inflammatory response in our bodies, over time causing chronic inflammation and chronic disease.
It’s easy to try and avoid foods that cause inflammation when you love your organic produce! For those of you who may be a little more adventurous with your diets this can strike quite a challenge as the main food groups that seem to be the culprits are: Sugar, Gluten, Vegetable Oils and Artificial Additives.
This list seems small but if we read the ingredients in our bread, cereals, margarines, sauces, diet & soft drinks and a lot of the convenience foods available today we will notice that these main food groups are contaminating what we consume on a day to day basis.
To ensure that what you are eating is not contributing to inflammation, try sticking to a wholefood diet, filled with organic fresh fruits and veggies, good sources of animal protein and healthy good fats and prepare your meals yourself! Each person is different; what may affect some will not affect others, however many studies have been done showing less inflammation in the bodies of those eating a wholefood diet.
One study done with a group of older adults showed those who ate refined carbohydrates were 2.9 times more likely to die of an autoimmune disease. In Another study a group of much younger healthier men added 50grams of white bread into their diet. Shockingly, this study showed an instant spike in their blood sugar levels!
It’s easy to say “just a little bit” or “it’s just a treat” however as you can see even the smallest amounts of these ingredients can have damaging effects on the healthiest of bodies.

Meal Planning

Planning and prepping your family’s meals saves you money, time and most importantly ensures your family are eating nutritious and delicious meals each day. Don’t know where to start? Here are some of our best family meal prepping tips:
1. Start Small- if you haven’t done it before don’t dive into prepping every meal for every day. Start with two meals a week and work your way up from there.
2. Write it down- keep track of what your making. A fun way to get the family excited about it too is to write your menu on a black board. Write down everything you need on a shopping list, this will save you time and stop any impulse purchases which will save money too.
3. Set aside the time- We know you’re busy, but setting aside time to meal plan and prep will save you time later down the track. Think ahead with your prepping, if you need to cook chicken on Tues then have it in the fridge defrosting on Monday. Use your leftovers during the week for the weekend.
4. Involve the kids- The aim of food prepping, as well as saving time and money, is to make sure your family is eating wholesome food. This can also be a way of teaching your kids the importance of healthy eating. Involving the kids in meal planning guarantees they will have something on the table that they will like. You can also make it fun with theme nights!


Currently the world is going through some dramatic changes that means a lot of us are experiencing some dramatic lifestyle changes. One of the most common lifestyle changes we have noticed with our patients is a move from working at the office to working from home.
Working from home & you can wear your pyjamas all day, get to spend more time with your pets or family members you don’t usually get a lot of time with, eat at your desk and you’ll never forget your snacks when you’re two minutes away from your own fridge!
Although all of this sounds like a dream, what we have noticed is less than desirable, an increase in stress levels and a decrease in good spinal health practices!
Pyjamas and your laptop on the couch seems AWESOME, however six hrs or more of constant sitting on the couch is not great for your health! So we have put together a few tips on how you can enjoy your extra time at home while still staying SANE and most importantly staying healthy!
Step 1- Keep your usual routine.
It’s easy to slip into bad habits like sleeping in or taking an extra hr at lunch, this can decrease productivity and increase your stress levels! Not only that, if you stay in an exact if not similar routine as your usual life it will be much easier for you to get used going back to the office.
So get up at the same time, but enjoy the extra long walk with the dog in the morning. Get ready as if you’re going to work- or at least as if it’s casual Friday at the office. Schedule yourself a lunch break at your normal lunch hr and then get back to it, like it’s just another day at the office. This will help keep you mentally alert, motivated and productive.
Step 2- Remove distractions (the best you can)
If you’re at the office usually you don’t have your favourite Netflix series playing in the back ground, so don’t have it on at home! Keep your phone on silent and away from your work area, if needed don’t have your social media icons available on your PC so they are not easily accessible. If rover is a barker-perhaps a few extra bones when your skype meetings are on?
Step 3- Set up your station correctly.
This is SO important. It may be harder for some to find an appropriate work space at home but do the best you can with what you have- your body will thank you for it later. Dedicate a specific area of the house for just your work space, a part of your kitchen bench that is clean and clutter free each day, a study, spare room, coffee table and floor cushions. Do your best to adhere to good ergonomic practices, Elbows at 90 degrees, wrists neutral- no slouching!
Step 4- Keep moving and check your posture AGAIN!
Keep reminding yourself to get up every 30-60mins get some movement in your body, if you can throw in a few exercises or stretches. Are you slouching? How close is your face to the computer? Check and double check your posture while you’re working. One of the most common complaints we have heard about working from home is that you are unable to have a ergonomic work space, so it is important that you take responsibility of your working posture throughout the day. If you need a friendly reminder, there are plenty of great apps you can download on your laptop or PC to remind you when it is time to get up and move, stretch or remind you to check on your posture.
Step 5- Get some fresh air.
If you’re working from home your usual daily commute consists of- from the bed, to the shower, to your work station. Before you know it 4pm hits then its from the work station, to the kitchen back to bed! Make some time to get outside, whether it is on your lunch break, in the morning or that extra time you have in the afternoon not sitting in traffic, its important you allow your mind to wind down and step away from work. Just because work is at home, it does not mean you can’t take a break from it.

Spinal Health For Surfers

Dr Andrew Burgess has been a surfer all of his life, has completed research[1] into the injuries and risks associated with competitive surfing. Before the study there was limited research on the health behaviours and wellbeing of surfers.
His study also examined surfing injuries in relation to the type of surf board used including short boards, long boards, body boards, etc. as previous research had categorised surfers into a single group, rather than being distinguished by surf craft use.
The results of the study found that 81% of those surveyed incurred at least one surfing-related injury in their lifetime, while 58% have experienced a surfing-related injury within the current surfing season. Lower back injuries were also the most common injury reported by surfers.
Along with these injury figures, only 44% reported seeking treatments for at least one surfing related injury in the current season.
The overall physical and mental health scores of surfers in the study were high, and those in the study generally maintained well balanced diets, consuming alcohol at a lower risk level than the average Australian.
The study concluded that Australian competitive surfers fit the stereotype of healthy and active people, however, are susceptible to specific injuries related to their sport, with acknowledgement of further research to be conducted.
While it is not possible to entirely prevent injuries, these tips can help you reduce the risk of injuring and straining your back.
Surfing is a physically demanding sport therefore warming up prior to your surf can help reduce the toll it takes on your body. It doesnbt need to take too long b try some light exercises and mobility work for 10-15 minutes before you start surfing, to get your muscles ready for the ocean.
Drink plenty of water. Stay hydrated at all times to reduce the effects of heat, cramping and help aid recovery.
If you are looking for a stretching program, try the Straighten Up exercises included in the Straighten Up (Australia) app. These are also designed to improve spinal health, stabilise core muscles and enhance health.
Finish off your surf with a few light stretches. Stretching allows the muscles to loosen up and may help prevent sports injuries.
If youbre an avid surfer, whether professionally or recreationally, itbs important that all aspects of your health are taken care of.
With the most common area of injury being the lower back, visiting a chiropractor may help alleviate the severity of pain and injury to the spine.
[1] Burgess, A, Swain, M & Lystad, RP 2018, bAn Australian survey on health and injuries in adult competitive surfingb Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness. DOI: 10.23736/S0022-4707.18.08381-0

Steffi's Healthy Pork Schnitzel

Pork schnitzel (thin and bashed out, preferrably from the organic butcher)
Macro organic dijon mustard
Tapioca flour (health food store)
Eggs (about 3 depending on the amount of schnitzels)
Almond meal
Grass fed butter (or tasteless coconut oil….but butter is a lot nicer o
Cover each schnitzel with about a teaspoon of mustard on both sides and add salt and pepper.
Prepare 3 plates: one with flour, eggs and the third plate with almond meal.
Cover the schnitzel first with flour, then with egg and then coat them in almond meal. Set them all aside or you could make a start with mealting butter (quite a bit) in a pan. Fry the schnitzels on both sides until golden brown.
Donbt cook them too hot as they can burn quickly. I always wipe the pan out with a paper towel after one round of schnitzels.
When cooked, sit them on a piece of paper towel, so the extra fat can get soaked up. Serve with lemon.

Steffi’s Easy, Healthy School Lunch Ideas

School is back! One thing we have noticed come up a lot when talking to parents about the start of the new school year is the chore of making school lunches! The two biggest issues are keeping it interesting and keeping it healthy.
Since 1/3 of our kids meals come from their school lunchbox, making healthy choices is super important. It not only makes them feel better, but they also perform better if they do not have to deal with the effects that come with sugary, processed foods.
There is an endless supply of packaged, convenient snack foods in our supermarkets, but most are processed and packed with sugar.
Stay away from supermarket muesli bars, fruit twists and chips. Some healthier alternatives are natural seaweed snacks or Coconut yoghurt. The easiest way to know that your kids are getting the right nutrients in their school lunches is to make them yourself .Our practice manager and Dr John’s lovely wife Steffi has put together a few quick and easy school lunch ideas to share with you. Their eldest daughter has just started school and she is thoroughly enjoying mum’s lunch box fillings!! Here are some ideas for you to try, keep an eye out for our next blog of a few of Steffi’s quick easy recipes..

Simple Salad-lettuce, cucumber, carrot, tomato with homemade dressing. Homemade chicken mince muffins. BBQ grilled steak and squash. Watermelon hearts, carrot sticks and pear

Marinated chicken drumsticks (tamari ,honey ,salt, pepper)Carrots, tomato, apricot, grapes, blueberries and cheese. Coyo coconut yoghurt and homemade banana bread muffin.

Steffi’s healthy pork schnitzel. Cheese. Carrot sticks. Home made muffin. Sauerkraut. Raspberries, mango, cucumber. Seaweed snacks. Apple.

Dr John and Steffi’s daughter Jelina with her lunch box! Filled with goodies like: Homemade sweet potato fries. steamed brocoli. cauliflower rice with butter chicken. Apricot. Kids probiotic bite, cucumber, cheese,grapes bluberries, banana and apple. Olives, organic hotdog.