Get Productive In 2022

Start the year off by becoming more productive not only with your work life but in your personal life. Use these four tips to help you smash your goals in 2022, Let’s fill this year with more achievements than any other year before!
1: Find meaning in what you do- Enjoying what you do in the ultimate way to increase productivity. Whether it’s in the work place or perhaps a side project you’re working on, finding the positive or fun parts about them each day will help to keep you motivated through the rest. Finding it hard to pick out the positives? Well, it’s never too late to start building a career you love, or finding that one hobby or interest that can change your outlook on your day to day life.
2: Just Start- Starting is usually the hardest part. Often we are waiting on that perfect moment to begin a certain task or the right time to make a change or take the risk. The truth is, there is no perfect bmoment” the best time is NOW. You’ll see that once the ball is rolling you will find your rhythm, and you won’t have wasted a few days, weeks or months waiting for that right moment because you have already begun.
3: Eliminate distractions- Turn off your phone or notifications. Let your family, friends and work colleagues know that you have delegated a certain time period for your important tasks so that you are able to get into the zone without any distractions. A study done at the University of California showed that it took people an average of 25mins and 26sec to get back into focus after an interruption!!
4: Make lists & Prioritise them- Listing all your tasks for the day is an easy way to keep track of what needs doing. It’s also a good way to stay motivated, we get a great sense of achievement after crossing things off! Prioritise your lists in order of importance to make sure you finish your most important task by the end of the day.